Frequently Asked Questions
Acupuncture FAQs
How does acupuncture work?
Acupuncture works with your nervous system to create long lasting changes in your body. It works by stimulating the local tissue where the needle is inserted, influencing the nervous and musculoskeletal tissues at that site. The local stimulation brings all kinds of messengers to the area that then communicate with the central nervous system (spinal cord and brain). The message is received, processed, and a response is sent back out to the body from the brain. Whether the response is to regulate hormones, transform a pain pattern, regulate gastrointestinal peristalsis, or simply cause a muscle to relax, the change is based on the individual body and what it needs to reach homeostasis or balance.
What does acupuncture feel like?
Acupuncture needles are about the same width as a human hair follicle and should not be painful! It is normal to feel a tap of the acupuncture needle upon insertion and a dull pressure or heavy sensation once the needle is settled but should not be uncomfortable.
Your comfort is one of my top priorities and I will check in often to make sure you are comfortable and relaxed.
How long will my treatment last?
After a brief health update, you’ll rest on a warm, cozy table for about 30 minutes so the acupuncture and the body have time to do it’s work and your mind has time to chill. In total, your follow up visit should last about 45 minutes to 1 hour.​ Depending on your case, you may receive other treatments in addition to acupuncture like cupping, gua sha or other.
What should I expect after treatment?
After receiving an acupuncture treatment, it is common to feel tired or "acu-buzzed" but sometimes you may feel more energized. It depends on which way your body needs to be balanced. It is advised to not participate in intense physical activity after acupuncture, to drink plenty of water and eat a nourishing meal. It is normal to feel sensitivity in areas or near areas where the needles were inserted even after you’ve left the office.
How should I prepare for acupuncture?
New patients: Complete your new patient paperwork at least 24 hours prior to your first visit. This will give us adequate time to learn about your case before you arrive.
​Existing patients: come ready to report an update and be present
Eat something at least 2-3 hours prior to treatment and avoid coming to treatment on an empty stomach.
Wear loose, stretchy, and comfortable clothing to your appointment or bring clothes to change into (shorts, tank tops, pajamas, etc.)
Is acupuncture safe during pregnancy?
Yes! Acupuncture is a safe and effective alternative to many conventional treatments for pregnancy ailments including morning sickness, constipation or GI disturbances, fatigue, anxiety, back pain, hypertension, anxiety, and more.
Acupuncture is helpful with supporting women's fertility when trying to conceive, calming ailments that come about from pregnancy, ensuring proper fetal position for labor, and can help prepare the pelvic region for an efficient birth (less time in labor).
Can my child or teenager get acupuncture?
Yes! Acupuncture and Chinese medicine are safe and effective in helping kids and teenagers restore balance in a wide variety of conditions. Just like adults, kids' vehicles can hit a road block. Fortunately, their younger vehicles are resilient and often have a quicker response. For kids or teens that are nervous about "pokes" or needles, there are other modalities that can be used instead, such as acupressure, cupping, herbal medicine, and ear seeds.
Chiropractic FAQs
How does chiropractic care help?
Chiropractic care works to resolve the CAUSE of your problem and not just treat or mask symptoms. Chiropractic operates under the foundational principle that your body can heal and regulate itself, and it does so via the nervous system consisting of your brain, spinal cord, and all the nerves of the body. The nerve system is often regarded as the ‘master control system’ because every muscle, joint and organ in the body relies on nerves from the brain to control their function. Since the spinal cord goes directly through every vertebra in the spine, chiropractors can directly affect the function of the central nervous system and therefore help with a variety of health conditions.
Is chiropractic safe?
Chiropractic care is extremely safe for individuals of all ages ranging from 1 day old to 100 years old. Statistically speaking, chiropractic is safer than taking Aspirin. Chiropractic is truly one of the safest forms of healthcare that exists today!
I didn't hear a sound. Does that mean the adjustment didn't work?
No! The sound or lack of a sound does NOT mean a correction was made. The sound that you often hear is gas being released, not bones hitting one another.
Is chiropractic safe during pregnancy?
Not only is it safe, but we feel that it is CRUCIAL for a healthy and seamless pregnancy and delivery. Not only can chiropractic care help with much of the pain and discomfort experienced during pregnancy, but it also helps to prepare your body by optimizing function and pelvis alignment for labor and delivery!
Is chiropractic safe for children?
Chiropractic care is profoundly safe for children and is vital for their health and development.
Can I see a chiropractor if I've had back surgery?
Absolutely! We will not be adjusting the surgically modified area of your spine. Surgery often causes instability and degenerative joint disease above and below the surgical area. These areas will likely be the focus of your chiropractic care. Gonstead chiropractors are specifically trained to help people with persistent pain and symptoms following surgery. This is something we deal with regularly.
How long will it take to work?
Response is different for everyone but generally people will start to notice improvement after they receive a few adjustments with full recovery after a month or two. One thing to keep in mind is that new or recent injuries (within a week or two) are likely to respond much quicker and resolve with fewer adjustments than chronic problems that have been going on for months or years. It’s important to understand that the doctor is NOT doing the healing, your body is doing the healing which is why the fundamentals such as how you eat, move and sleep will greatly impact the healing and recovery process. These are all things that will be discussed during your initial consultation and exam.
Nurse Practitioner FAQS
Can a nurse practitioner prescribe?
Yes, Leda is a board-certified family nurse practitioner with full prescriptive authority in the state of Maine. If a traditional prescription is indicated, she can prescribe to your pharmacy of choice. She can also prescribe compounded medications.
Can a nurse practitioner act as a primary care?
Leda can assume many roles of a primary care provider as a nurse practitioner. However, at this time, we still encourage patients to remain established with their existing primary care providers for services beyond what is currently available.
What kind of testing can a nurse practitioner order?
Leda can order a variety of tests. That includes traditional blood work to a spectrum of more comprehensive testing including hormone panels, GI analysis, and food sensitivities
What is Concierge Medicine?
What ages does Leda work with?
Leda is a Family Nurse Practitioner, which allows her to see all ages and genders.