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A Gray, Maine Chiropractor's Guide (Part 2): Things to look out for & what to expect

  1. X-RAYS: If your chiropractor isn't utilizing x-rays, it should raise a significant concern. There are typically two reasons behind this common practice omission. Firstly, insurance constraints play a role. Insurers often reduce reimbursements for spinal imaging, making it financially challenging for chiropractors to invest in costly x-ray equipment. Secondly, the oversight could stem from an inadequate ability to interpret x-ray findings effectively for your clinical benefit. In our practice, x-rays are invaluable tools that narrate a comprehensive story. Extracting vital information from these images is crucial, as they provide essential insights into effectively estimating what the progression of care will look like, how long it will take and necessary steps towards true correction of the problem.

  2. A message to ALL healthcare providers and patients: If a healthcare professional offers a diagnosis without accompanying solutions or treatment options, it warrants a moment of reflection. Receiving a diagnosis is undoubtedly a pivotal step, true value lies in a practitioner's ability to provide actionable solutions. Remember, you seek professional help not merely for labeling concerns but primarily for resolving them effectively. In today's healthcare environment it is becoming increasingly easy and financially viable to give a group of symptoms a common name or label problems with new diagnosis codes. Due to modern technology we are getting closer and closer to being able to receive a medical diagnosis without ever having to meet a human face-to-face or have a human evaluate our medical records. It is estimated that we could receive radiology reports from x-rays, MRIs, and CT scans with a diagnosis attached to that report entirely by automated intelligence within the next 10 years. This is why it is increasingly important for you to keep into perspective what is truly of value to you, and what are you seeking help for. Should you ever receive a diagnosis without a strategic plan for improvement or resolution, it may be time to reassess your healthcare team. Leaving every appointment with a bag of supplements, or a new prescription to combat side-effects from a previous one is not a solution. Your health and well-being deserve a proactive approach towards addressing issues, not just identifying them.

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